Gas explosion kills Chairman Nigeria Atomic Energy commission in Kaduna

by JOSEPH CHRYSLER | January 5th 2020
The chairman of the Nigeria Energy Commission, Professor Simon Mallam and 7 others were killed in a gas explosion in the Sabon Tasha area of Kaduna state. The late chairman of the Commission was said to be barbing his...

Former man utd player januzaj hits hatrick for real sociedad

by JOSEPH CHRYSLER | December 20th 2019
Former Manchester United star Adnan Januzaj hit a hat-trick to help Real Sociedad rout fourth-tier 8-0 in the Spanish Cup second round on Thursday. Belgian international Januzaj, who spent four years at Old Trafford be...

Brazil's president eldest son denies allegations of money laundering

by JOSEPH CHRYSLER | December 20th 2019
Brazil’s President Jair Bolsonaro’s eldest son denied allegations Thursday that he laundered money embezzled from public funds, after a document leaked by the media revealed he was implicated. The document from the Rio...
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